“Anyone know what this could be? I have found two piles of these … in my daughters’ room.”

Are you a member of any friendly communal groups on social media? Well, some of these groups can be incredibly helpful, like the “Homemaking Tips” group. However, every now and then, a post comes along that leaves everyone scratching their heads and worrying about the poster’s well-being.

In the “Homemaking Tips” group, a member named Kelli Tarin recently shared a bizarre image of a mysterious pile she found in her daughter’s room. She was desperate to find out what it was and if it posed any danger. Can you help solve this mystery?

The Strange Pile Creates a Stir

On August 10th, Kelli Tarin posted a photo in the group, displaying a pile of what appeared to be a fine, dirt-like mess on the floor. Tarin explained that she had discovered two of these strange piles in her daughter’s room, which she diligently cleaned every day. However, she needed help identifying what they were.

The post quickly gained attention, garnering over 9000 comments and 440,000 reactions. People flooded the comment section with their thoughts and suggestions, but nobody could definitively determine the nature of the mysterious piles. The image is shown below:
The mysterious pile of unidentified pellets found.

Endless Possibilities, No Solid Answers

The suggestions poured in, with some suggesting it could be an ant nest or mouse droppings. Others speculated that it might be termite excrement. Tarin decided to seek professional help and contacted two pest control companies, but even they were puzzled. They had never seen anything quite like the mysterious piles!

Tarin continued to update the group, assuring everyone that she took precautions by having her daughter sleep in another room until the mystery was solved. She ruled out termites, roaches, and mice based on their unique characteristics and behavior. The suggestion of bats was also dismissed due to the unlikelihood in her West Texas location.

The Mystery Unfolds

Tarin made it clear that she maintained a clean house and that the strange piles only appeared in her daughter’s room. They formed in just two days at most. She decided to involve her landlords, who were called to investigate. Although the mystery remained, Tarin expressed her gratitude to the group for their support and lightening the mood during this worrying ordeal.

The identity of the mysterious pile

Finally, the solution to the mystery emerged, and it was quite unexpected. A comment from the group suggested that a lavender bear toy belonging to one of Tarin’s children may have burst, leaving its contents scattered. This jogged her memory of the lavender blush bear being among a pile of toys on top of the mysterious pile. Tarin had believed it to be infested and discarded it. However, upon further investigation, she discovered that it had a hole inside, and the mysterious pile contained its contents.

In the end, the mystery was solved, and Tarin could finally breathe a sigh of relief. We’re glad everything turned out okay!

Stay Curious: Can You Identify This “Mystery” Tool?


  • “Anyone know what this could be? I have found two piles of these … in my daughters’ room.” Homemaking. Nini. August 14, 2023
  • “Homemaking Tips.” Facebook