Cause of Dana Carvey's eldest son's death finally revealed – 32-year-old passed away earlier this week

US comedian and actor Dana Carvey, known for his work on Saturday Night Live, recently announced the heartbreaking passing of his eldest son, Dex Carvey. It has now been revealed that Dex died from an accidental drug overdose. He was only 32 years old.

Dex Carvey was an incredibly talented young man who had a passion for music, art, filmmaking, and comedy. His dedication to his craft was inspiring. His family describes him as a beautiful person who cherished his loved ones, friends, and his girlfriend, Kaylee. They shared that his handmade birthday cards hold a special place in their hearts. Dex Carvey will be deeply missed.

According to reports, Dex Carvey passed away in his home in Los Angeles, and the case surrounding his death is still open. The family is devastated by the loss of their beloved Dex, but they have chosen to express gratitude for the time they had with him.

Dana Carvey and his wife Paula were married in 1983 and have another son, Thomas Carvey, who is 30 years old. Dex followed in his father’s comedic footsteps and even performed an opening set for Dana’s 2016 Netflix special, Straight White Male. The family is proud of Dex’s accomplishments and his dedication to his craft.

Dana Carvey and his wife Paula want to offer their support to anyone who is struggling with addiction or loves someone battling with addiction. They want those individuals to know that they are in their thoughts and prayers. Dex’s own struggle with addiction was something he faced, and his parents want to bring awareness and empathy to this issue.

In the midst of tabloid speculation, Dana Carvey shared a photo on Instagram of him and Dex laughing together, emphasizing the joyful moments they shared. The caption read, “F*k the tabloids. This is my boy.” It appears that Dana wanted to highlight Dex’s vibrant life and many talents, rather than focusing solely on his challenges.

Our hearts go out to Dana Carvey and his family during this incredibly difficult time. Losing a loved one is never easy, and we hope that they find comfort and support from those around them. Let us all remember Dex Carvey for his incredible talent and the joy he brought to the world.

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