Over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump reignited the debate on Obamacare, also known as the Affordable Care Act, by expressing his intentions to roll it back if re-elected.
In a social media post on his platform, Truth Social, Trump claimed that the cost of Obamacare is skyrocketing and that it does not provide quality healthcare. He stated that he is seriously considering alternative solutions.

This move by Trump brings to light a vulnerable issue for himself and the Republican Party. A recent poll conducted by NBC News revealed that voters trust Democrats over Republicans when it comes to healthcare by a significant margin of 45% to 22%. The survey also showed that Republicans trail behind Democrats on various other issues such as the economy, immigration, and crime.

It’s worth noting that after failed attempts to repeal the ACA and subsequent electoral setbacks, Republican candidates refrained from campaigning on eliminating the law in the recent midterm elections. Recognizing it as a political liability, they shifted their focus elsewhere. However, Trump appears determined to resurrect this issue in the 2024 election.

In response to Trump’s statement, President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign expressed their concerns. A campaign spokesman, Ammar Moussa, highlighted the fact that 40 million Americans currently have health insurance because of the Affordable Care Act. Moussa warned that if Trump were to return to power, he would attempt to strip away these healthcare protections. The Biden campaign, along with its key allies, plans to vigorously counter Trump’s stance on Obamacare through various channels, including television advertisements.

They are determined to portray the Republican agenda as deeply unpopular.
Trump’s decision to focus on dismantling Obamacare is seen as a strategic move by Biden’s campaign. They believe that by highlighting an issue that is widely unpopular, they can further solidify support for their candidate. Trump’s previous attempts to repeal the ACA have shown that healthcare ranks high on the list of priorities for voters. In the 2020 election, voters who cited healthcare as their primary concern overwhelmingly favored Biden over Trump.

To fulfill his promise of repealing the ACA, Trump would need to win the 2024 election with a Republican-controlled Congress. However, it’s worth noting that the law has garnered increased public support since its introduction. This is due in part to popular provisions such as protections for individuals with pre-existing conditions and the ability for young adults to stay on their parents’ insurance until the age of 27.
President Biden’s campaign plans to highlight these popular provisions to contrast with Trump’s proposed healthcare policies. Moussa affirmed that the stakes for the next election are high, with millions of people potentially losing their health insurance if Trump’s agenda becomes a reality.