Imagine having every moment of your life captured on tape. No, we’re not talking about “The Truman Show” level surveillance—this is Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs’ reality, where reality TV meets rap mogul mystery. If there were ever a lesson on unboxing one’s life in 4K, Diddy is the professor, and his classroom dates back to 1992.

It’s a twist on the classic Choose Your Own Adventure, except here, every choice has been recorded, catalogued, and likely stored in a vault somewhere. Why the paranoia, you ask? Well, let’s dive into this docu-diary that Diddy himself has fashioned over decades like an incessantly rolling camera that never, ever hears, “Cut!”

Our tale begins, as any good scandal does, with an interview unearthed from the catacombs of the internet. It’s a re-released tête-à-tête revealing Diddy’s self-imposed paparazzi lifestyle. He’s made it clear: since 1992, every move, every decision, every outfit snafu was captured in glorious detail.

This was confirmed during an intriguing exchange with Cole Bennett, a director of note, on a 2022 podcast. Over what we can only imagine was a dinner that felt a bit like dining at the house of Big Brother, Diddy imparted what’s arguably the most Diddy-esque life motto, “Bring a camera everywhere.” Spoiler alert: Coleman didn’t have the camera—but he did get the memo.

Bennett recalls, “Diddy invited me over for dinner a couple of months ago; he told me to bring a camera everywhere. He said, ‘I’ve been documenting everything in my life since 1992… I have footage of everything.. make sure you bring a camera everywhere, it’s important.’” Ah, if only we had a camera to capture the jaw-drop eye-raise combo that probably ensued.

Diddy’s rationale? To review this ocean of data fondly. Because, really, who wouldn’t want to reminisce about their Tuesday-on-repeat for posterity’s sake?

But before you think this is just another episode in the life of the rich and the incessantly recorded, let’s look at Diddy’s current conundrum: accusations of drug possession, firearms offenses, and sex trafficking. The allegations have dangled before the public, casting shadows over every snippet Diddy’s tapes might unwittingly reveal.

Think your family home movies are awkward? Try busting out an old tape only to have it subpoenaed! Newsflash: According to some reports, there might be risky tapes involved—a buffet of so-called ‘freak offs’ allegedly recorded for posterity—or perhaps prosperity, who’s to say?

Over 100 individuals now set their legal sights on Diddy, claiming sexual assault. It’s a legal minefield with allegations spanning two and a half decades and across 25 states, which is, let’s just say, not the kind of cross-country tour anyone wants.

Even the attorney, Tony Buzbee, has spoken, referring to these accusations as a shockwave that’s rippled all the way back to 1991. And let’s not forget, some accusers were underage when these alleged misdeeds occurred—making this saga not just baffling but profoundly disturbing.

What’s Diddy’s stance? He’s taken the Wasn’t-Me defense directly from the playbook of every cornered celebrity ever, denying all charges and accusations.

As we watch this unfold, Mary wonders if Diddy’s footage will ever see the light of a courtroom. Sure, documenting your life could be promoted as visionary—if it weren’t for the dark clouds currently looming over his empire’s love nest.

So? In the spirit of Mary’s wry views and general ability to say what most don’t, here lies the moral of Diddy’s tangled tale: before pressing play on the record of your life, consider what secrets the rewind might reveal. Nobody’s life is a perfect home movie, especially when reality is stranger than any script!