Stephen Colbert Cancels ‘Late Show’ For One Week Due to Ruptured Appendix

Stephen Colbert, the beloved host of “The Late Show,” has unfortunately been forced to cancel a week’s worth of episodes due to an unexpected health issue. Colbert recently underwent surgery to treat a ruptured appendix, and as a result, he will need some time to recover.

In an announcement posted on the show’s official Threads page, Colbert apologized to his dedicated fans and explained the situation in his signature witty style. He playfully speculated that some might think his absence was due to a “turkey overdose” or a “gravy boat capsize,” but in reality, it was his appendix causing the trouble. Colbert expressed his gratitude towards the doctors who cared for him and his family for their support during this time. He even joked that any emails addressed to his appendix will now be redirected to his pancreas.

This year has been filled with interruptions for “The Late Show.” First, there was a five-month hiatus during the Writers Guild of America Strike, which ended in late September. Colbert and other late-night hosts, including Seth Meyers, Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel, and John Oliver, kept their fans entertained during this period by hosting a podcast and donating the proceeds to their staff members who were out of work.

Once the show returned in early October, Colbert faced another setback. He had to host one episode from his home after testing positive for COVID-19. Unfortunately, this meant that the remaining shows for that week had to be canceled.

The canceled episodes were set to feature exciting guests, including Jennifer Garner, Baz Luhrmann, Patrick Stewart, Barbra Streisand, and Kelsey Grammer. It’s disappointing for both the fans and the show’s crew to miss out on these planned appearances, but health always comes first.

Stephen Colbert is undoubtedly missed during this unexpected break, but his health and well-being are of utmost importance. We wish him a speedy recovery and look forward to his return to late-night television, where his humor and wit always bring joy to our evenings.