Many of you might have heard about Baba Vanga, the well-known blind prophet from Bulgaria. She’s often called the “Nostradamus of the Balkans,” and has been credited with foreseeing events like the 9/11 attacks and the war in Ukraine.
Her predictions are intriguing, even though there’s no official documentation verifying these claims, as reported by NY Post.
One of her latest predictions might raise eyebrows, as she mentioned that the end of the world would start in 2025. Although Baba Vanga passed away in 1996, her predictions continue to stir discussions among her followers and believers.
It’s intriguing to note that some have reported Baba Vanga previously suggested the world would face its end in 2023. She mentioned threats from biological and nuclear warfare, alongside cataclysmic solar storms.
Delving into the events she foresees for the future, Baba Vanga predicts a grave conflict in Europe in 2025, drastically affecting its population.
Moving forward to 2028, she foretold that humans would begin to embark on explorations of Venus, looking towards it as a potential new energy source. By 2033, she envisioned the ice caps melting, leading to significant rises in sea levels across the globe. In 2076, she predicted the spread of communism worldwide.
Baba Vanga didn’t earn her title as the “Nostradamus of the Balkans” without reason; she is renowned for many prophecies that have seemingly come to pass.
Born on January 31, 1911, Baba Vanga lost her sight at the tender age of 12 due to a sandstorm. During this period, she reportedly developed the ability to foresee events and began sharing what she claimed to hear from mystical voices about future happenings, as discussed by levante-emv-com.
Her legacy has continued long after her death at age 85 from breast cancer in 1996. The prophecies she left behind, which extend all the way to the year 5079, still capture the imagination of many.
Among her most famous predictions is that of the destructive terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, in the United States, and the catastrophic tsunami that hit the Indian Ocean in 2004.